Thursday, April 21, 2011

Resin cast painted

I sculpted this creature using WED clay and made a silicone mould with a plaster mother mould and cast him in resin. I documented the process and I'll put it together until then this is how he looks so far. I still need to do some more on the paint work but it's nearly done.


Dennis Cornetta said...


Mr. Gomez said...

Wickedly awesome!!! The paints just bring out all those disturbing details.

Unknown said...

brilliant work, congrats!

Ebba Edenström said...

this is so badass awesome! :D

Ryan Stevenson said...

Thats resin! You just leveled up :D

New World Trailer Character Designs

Here's some earlier character exploration for Isabella. A lot of work goes into creating characters that appear on screen for only ...