The Creature from the Black Lagoon

The sculpt was built using Super Sculpey over a metal armature. I decided to make the maquette based loosely on the concept, but I wanted a slightly more dynamic pose.

One great aspect of working a concept in 3D like this is the ability to design on the fly, making decisions and trying out possibilities which you might have missed on paper. .


Unknown said…
sweet sculpt! couldn't click on the pic of it to enlarge it though X(
Ryan Firchau said…
Hey Joe, thanks man! Yeah I don’t know why that is I guess It’s because I added more than one image per post and it screws up. Must fix that.
Anonymous said…
This is awesome dude. wow.
Shard said…
lol dude this is not what the creature from the black lagoon looks like.. ;)
check out me shiny new blog!
Awesome sculpt! I love it! What would you say: "Easyer" on supasculpey, or in Zbrush? If I ask easyer, I mean easyer to create the shapes from your imagination, nor than abut technicity and so on (even so it's connected) ;)