The sculpt was built using Super Sculpey over a metal armature. I decided to make the maquette based loosely on the concept, but I wanted a slightly more dynamic pose.
One great aspect of working a concept in 3D like this is the ability to design on the fly, making decisions and trying out possibilities which you might have missed on paper. .
One great aspect of working a concept in 3D like this is the ability to design on the fly, making decisions and trying out possibilities which you might have missed on paper. .
sweet sculpt! couldn't click on the pic of it to enlarge it though X(
Hey Joe, thanks man! Yeah I don’t know why that is I guess It’s because I added more than one image per post and it screws up. Must fix that.
This is awesome dude. wow.
Awesome sculpt! I love it! What would you say: "Easyer" on supasculpey, or in Zbrush? If I ask easyer, I mean easyer to create the shapes from your imagination, nor than abut technicity and so on (even so it's connected) ;)
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