Saturday, May 8, 2010

More medusa progress

Another update for Medusa so you good people can see how she is shaping up. Progress has been a bit on the slow side due to time constraints mostly as well as other commitments.

A few weeks back I hit a real wall with this sculpt and hated everything about it. I was frustrated that I couldn’t get the level of detail I wanted from the material and I wanted to cast her in a wax, something like Castaline. My main reason aside from the detail issue is to achieve a very minimal gap between the parts something I’m finding difficult with Sculpey as it shrinks when baked. Time and money are all an issue at the moment so I’ll carry on regardless for the time being.

I made the decision to remove her left hand and attach it to the bow handle because it made sculpting the hand so much easier. I didn’t have to worry about the weight of the bow deforming the hand or the need for a wire armature within the hand that can make sculpting at a small scale awkward.

I still have a lot of work ahead but I can see an end in sight at last. It's been a very challenging sculpt so far but I have learned the importance of planning. When I built the armature at the beginning I decided I wanted to keep the body independent from the head and snakes and I also wanted the four small snakes to be separate. I’m glad I took the approach I did as it’s made access to the sculpt so much easier. I can get at almost every part of it without much trouble.


Hamish Beachman said...

Hey Ryan
This sculpt is looking great. Love the direction you have gone in.

Joshua James said...

awesome work!

pdrake said...

i'm finding i like these waxes much better than castaline.

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